A Helpful Holiday Season Checklist for Southeast Kentucky Small Businesses

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December 06, 2022

Are you feeling behind on your holiday preparations? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many small business owners are scrambling to get everything done in time. But don't worry, we've got you covered. From the Southeast Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, here’s a helpful holiday season checklist to help make sure you don't miss a thing. With this checklist under your belt, you'll be able to relax and enjoy the holidays while knowing your business is taken care of. So what are you waiting for? Check this out:

1. Decorate Your Storefront

Your storefront is like a blank canvas, and you want to make it as festive and inviting as possible. Good looking holiday displays in your windows will attract customers walking or driving by, and this can be the difference between them coming in or going to another store. Make sure your decorations are up before Thanksgiving so you can maximize foot traffic in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

2. Set Up For The Holiday Rush

The holiday rush can be overwhelming, but if you're prepared for it, it can also be hugely beneficial for your business. Stock up on inventory so you don't run out of popular items, train seasonal staff members on all aspects of your business so they can be of assistance even when you're busy, and have a plan in place for dealing with customer complaints so they don't ruin anyone's holiday cheer.

3. Make A Gift Guide

One of the best ways to help customers find the perfect gift at your store is to create a gift guide. This can be a physical booklet or flyer that customers can pick up when they come in or an online guide that they can consult from the comfort of their homes. Either way, make sure your gift guide is comprehensive and easy to use so customers can quickly find what they're looking for without getting frustrated.

4. Adapt Your Marketing For The Season

Your marketing efforts should always reflect the current season, and that's especially true during the holidays. Change up your billboards, sidewalk signs, and other advertising to reflect holiday themes, and make sure any promotions or sales you're running are prominently featured in all of your marketing materials. You should also consider sending out holiday-themed e-newsletters or postcards to loyal customers letting them know about special deals or promotions.

5. PDFs Are Your Friend This Time Of Year

PDFs are incredibly versatile tools that every small business should take advantage of, especially during the holidays. You can use PDFs to create digital gift guides, share coupon codes or special sales offers with customers, and even design printable coloring pages or activity sheets that kids can do while their parents shop. You can even create all three in one file and split it—this PDF splitter does it in seconds. Whatever you do with them, make sure your PDFs are creative and well-designed so they'll stand out from all the other holiday emails flooding people's inboxes this time of year.

6. Give Back To The Community

The holidays are a time for giving back, and there are lots of ways for small businesses to do just that. You could sponsor a toy drive or food drive at your store, donate a percentage of sales to local charities, or host an event where customers can donate goods or services to those in need. Giving back not only helps those less fortunate than us, but it also makes our communities stronger and more resilient—and that's something everyone can benefit from.

7. Convince Last-Minute Shoppers

Last-minute shoppers are always looking for deals, so if you want to attract their business, you need to offer something special. Whether it's a discount on purchases made within a certain timeframe or free shipping on orders over a certain amount, give customers an incentive to shop at your store instead of somewhere else. And if all else fails, remember that sometimes the best way to convince someone to buy something from you is simply by being friendly and helpful—so make sure your employees are prepared for the onslaught of last-minute shoppers!


Now that you have a plan and are armed with the helpful holiday season checklist, it’s time to get started! The most important part is to stay organized and focused so you can enjoy the festivities while your business thrives. Are you ready for a record-breaking holiday season? We know we are!

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